The men who come to Sunset House are generally transitioning from an inpatient treatment facility, where they have stayed for 30, 60, 90 days or more. Even with several months of continuous sobriety under his belt, a man in early recovery is still vulnerable. There is a risk in having a man return directly to his regular life from treatment, without the opportunity for him to practice is recovery skills in a safe and supportive environment first.
Sunset House is a great first stop for men fresh out of treatment. We give men a homelike environment with lots of opportunity for fun and friendship, but none of the risk of returning home to friends and old triggers.
Imagine moving into a neighborhood where all the neighbors where men in recovery of the same approximate age. It’s easy to find brotherhood and fellowship amongst our numbers because every man has gone through the same thing.
Many of our men choose to dine communally, and it’s not unusual to find a dozen or so of our clients gathered at one of our communal tables sharing a meal together. Our men often attend many of the same Twelve Step meetings as well, so there are always familiar faces in the rooms.
Most importantly, our men look out for each other, lean on each other for support and depend on each other for accountability. It’s this sort of behavior, of connecting with and relating to other men in early recovery, that helps so many men maintain their sobriety for the rest of their lives.
Graduates of the Sunset House program and their families are invited to continue participating in our community for as long as they wish. We do monthly ceremonies where we recognize lengths of continuous sobriety. Clients are encouraged to bring friends and family members with them to these medallion presentations.
A weekly onsite alumni group offers ongoing support to graduates of our program who have recently moved off a campus. These groups are lead by one of our licensed clinicians and include alumni with a wide range of lengths of sobriety who can offer their experience, strength and hope to men who have recently ventured out on their own.
Sunset House also offers a limited number of beds in a traditional sober living facility for clients who wish to remain with us after they have completed their treatment process.